About Us

Preparation of seed supply plan for Kharif and Rabi seasons as per the allotment for distribution by Commissioner & Director of Agriculture from time to time for general and subsidy sales. Arrangement for positioning of different crop varieties in the sale points of the districts in consultation with Joint Director of Agriculture as per allotment of Commissioner & Director of Agriculture for distribution on subsidy under different schemes. Arrangement for procurement of non-available crop varieties in addition to A.P.S.S.D.C. LTD, production purpose with the approval of Commissioner & Director of Agriculture through tender process in agreement with seed producing firms on consignment basis. Acting as Nodal Agency for distribution of Vegetables Seeds on subsidy through Department of Horticulture on service charges. Monitoring the movement and sale of different crop varieties as per indent and requirement of the districts. Appointment of Dealers, distribution net-work etc. Compilation of daily, fortnight sale reports for onward submission to higher authorities. Preferring subsidy claims and settlement of advance payments received by Marketing Division. Monitoring the collection of pending dues. Sale of seeds of different crop varieties to other State Seeds Corporation & collection of dues. Handling the publicity and advertisement issues of the corporation. Arrangements of payment to the seed supplying agencies/firms for the procurement of seeds. Releasing dealer commission to the sales through dealers.